
Registering for the actual test? Looking for a pre-test? The links you need are below.

Test Registration

Now is the perfect time to make sure you have registered for the test you are prepping for. The registration deadline is generally close to one month prior to the test date. Follow the appropriate link below to register now.


Please find time before your class begins to complete the practice test found below. This is optional but very helpful. If you have never taken the SAT or ACT, the pretest will provide us with a baseline score and a better idea of what you need help with. It will also give you a feel for the test and how it is structured. If you do decide to take the pretest, it is not necessary for you to print the entire test. Please only print the answer sheets (found here for the SAT and at the end of the test for the ACT). Be sure to time yourself; time limits are listed at the beginning of each section. Please bring your completed answer sheets from the pretest to your first class.

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